My Top 5 Tips When Using Evernote

I have been an Evernote user for the past 5 years and find myself using it more and more each day in the work that I do. Having access to my notes, PDF's, emails, Word documents, and whatever else I need to store, is invaluable to me. So here are a couple of tips that I hope will make you more productive using Evernote.

Tip 1 Set up Import Folders

From your Mac or PC it is easy to set up a folder known as an Import Folder from your computer. Once this folder is set up anything you save into it will automatically be saved in your Evernote account. Wow now that is easy!

Tip 2 Forwarding eMail to your Evernote Account

Every Evernote user is automatically given and Evernote email address which can come in really handy for forwarding emails. You can go to your Account setting information to find out your Evernote email address and once you do - enter into your Contacts so that you can always pull it up. If you add the @ sign at the end of the subject field with the name of the notebook you email will be automatically filed in that notebook.

Tip 3 Encrypting Sensitive Material

If you have sensitive material you would like to include in a note but want to make sure it is protected you can select the text and right click to select Encrypt Selected Text... This will bring up a dialog box asking you to enter a password to lock the text.

Tip 4  Use the Livescribe SKY Wifi Smartpen

As much as I enjoy using computes and mobile devices there are times when it just makes sense to use pen and paper and when I do, I use my Livescribe SKY Wifi Smartpen to automatically get my hand written notes into my Evernote account. The Livescribe SKY Wifi Smartpen seamlessly uploads all of my hand written and audio notes to my Evernote account over Wifi-simply brilliant.

Tip 5 Share your Evernote notes

Evernote provides you with lots of ways to share your notes. Just go to the Share Menu and select how you would like to share your note.
